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Advertisement, Advert Copy (Classification │ Forms)

An advert copy is a term used to describe the main text used in the advertisement. The text could be a dialogue, a catchy punch line or a company’s dictum.


It is a print, radio or TV advertising message that aims at developing and retaining an interest of the target customer and prompting him to purchase the product within a couple of seconds.


An advertisement copy is all the written or spoken matter in an advertisement expressed in words or sentences and figures designed to convey the desired message to the target consumers.


In print media, an advertisement copy is made-up of head-line, sub-headlines, body of the copy, illustration logo-type, slogan and the brand name. Strictly speaking, written content of an ad copy is the product of the collective efforts of copy-writers, artists and the layout-men.


A COPY therefore, is any concept used for advert. It is the art of putting in words or elements that create a strong desire to possess a product. It is the ability to eliminate the surplus and substitute it with the essential elements without jeopardising the meaning.


Copy writer and artist must collaborate to provide an advertisement though copy writing precedes or succeeds the art- work and the layout.


An advertisement copy is mostly a result of extensive advertising and consumer research designed by professional copywriter’s employees by advertising agencies. Drafting an ad copy demands skill and effort. An ad copy involves a complete investigation of the target audience. There is a substantial effort that goes into making an ad copy. Companies outsource their ad campaigns. The advertisement industry flourishes when they succeed in delivering the advertisement just like its copy.



An ad copy is made of various principles, all of which are integrated into a few lines of the copy that the advertisers are allowed to engage. It combines search engine optimisation with marketing strategies and is used in all kinds of advertisements, not only pay per click and contextual ads. The essentials of a good ad copy are as follows:


Essentials or Attributes of a good Ad Copy

Credibility – An ad copy must focus on the credibility or the reliability of the ad. The copywriters should essentially flaunt an element of reliability in the ad so that the consumers are convinced to go ahead with the product. The credibility of an advertisement is the extent of honesty in the ad message. Misleading and misinterpreted ads harm the reputation of the selling house.
Credibility or believability of an advertisement message is decided by the extent of honesty. An ad to be good must be truthful. Misleading and mis-presented facts made in the copy only damage the reputation of selling house.

One of the surest ways of winning the hearts of the consumers is to be honest. ‘Honesty’, here, implies ‘commercial honesty’ and not the ‘judicial’.


Attention – The keywords, punch lines or phrases that seize the attention of the potential consumers or some component in the ad that attracts the target audience is essential in a good advertising copy.


Assurance of benefit – An advertisement copy must contain some promise of the benefits that the product offers if the consumer purchases and uses the product.


Brief and clear – An ad copy must be brief and clear, i.e. it must be to the point. It doesn’t mean that the copy must omit the important elements of the ad. A clear copy is easy and quick to be read by the readers. It is self-explanatory, definite, and precise. Clarity makes way for interpretation.
Most readers are interested in shorter advertisements. Being brief is not dropping words or chopping sentences. It is the meticulous work of eliminating and substituting the words without jeopardizing the meaning. It cuts to the core; it is to the point to cover all.


It is clear: A clear copy is one which is easily and quickly read and grasped by the readers. It is unambiguous and self- explaining. It is one that clicks fast. Clarity gives clue to interpretation. The manner in which a copy is interpreted is dependent on factors like local traditions habits, customs and nationality. Clarity is adjusted to these points.


Apt and conforming – The copy must be apt and must match the needs of the prospects. A copywriter has to use the most suitable USP. Every ad copy must meet the conforming standards and rules acceptable to the advertising media and the laws of the land. A copy that offends the morality challenges religious beliefs of the people is not welcomed by any media.


It is conforming: Every ad copy is to conform to standards, rules and regulations acceptable to the advertising media and the laws of the land. Anywhere in the world, no copy is acceptable to any media that offends the morality, declines decency and ravages religious susceptibilities of people.

That is why; we have not come across ads on cigarettes and alcohols on radio and television. No advertiser can violate the provisions of the Act of Names and Emblems, Drugs Acts of 1940, 50, and 54.


It is personal: A personal copy is specific where generality is dismissed to do away with ambiguity. A personalised copy is centred on the prospect. It presents something of interest to the prospect. It is an individualised appeal copy. It is written from ‘prospect’ to ‘product’ rather than ‘product’ to ‘prospect’. The copy has ‘you attitude’.


Types or Classification of Advertising Copy

Technique or formula of presentation of an ad is the way in which a message is presented. Various types of advertisement copies are formulated to inform, inspire, influence, affect, engrave, and inscribe the mindset of the reader. Certain elements are significant in a copy like the attention, conviction, sentiment, instinct, and education.


The advertisement copies can be divided into six main types:

– Human interest ad copy
– Educational ad copy
– Reason why? ad copy
– Institutional ad copy
– Suggestive ad copy
– Expository ad copy


Human Interest Copy

Human Interest Copy appeals to the emotional and the senses than intellect and the judgment, sympathy, affection, love, fear, humour, curiosity and other emotional appeals are used to the sense of sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing.

It tells about the product in relation to the people instead of conforming to the facts about the products. It takes several forms of which four are very significant namely, ‘fear’, ‘humorous’, ‘story’ and ‘predicament’ copy.
Human interest copy entices the emotions and senses of its prospective customers rather than the intellect and judgment. This advertisement copy defines the product to people instead of sticking to facts. Human Interest copy gets to selling part indirectly or reluctantly. It focuses on people’s undying interest in themselves, their families and friends. The most important forms of Human Interest Copy are- humorous copy, fear copy, predicament copy, and story copy.


Forms Of Human Interest Copy
HUMOROUS COPY: Humorous ad copy is a copy which is designed to make the reader laugh. This copy brings about a smile on the readers face.

FEAR COPY: Fear ad copy arouses a sense of fear in the reader to save their lives or to protect themselves from something. It creates interest among its consumers by instilling a sense of fear in them. Fear advertisement copies must be designed carefully as it may carry an unpleasant association on the viewer’s mind concerning the product.

STORY COPY: In a story copy, a story is narrated in a very interesting way to develop interest amongst its prospects. Customer experiences can also be narrated in the form of a story.

PREDICAMENT COPY: In a predicament copy, the copy provides a dramatic explanation about the product. This copy explains all the advantages and benefits of using the product. The predicament copy usually takes over the other three forms of the advertisement copy.


Educational Ad Copy

An educational ad copy attempts to inform, update and prompts its clients to buy a product by educating the prospective customers. It is designed to educate the public about the attributes of the product. Introductory ad copies are usually created in this way. It is the responsibility of every manufacturer to educate the prospects regarding the product and endure a warm welcome amongst its clients. Such an ad copy signifies the benefits and special features of the product.


Reason Why Copy

A Reason Why advertising copy offers reasons as to why the consumers are expected to buy the product of a particular brand. The reason why copy appeals directly to the intellect or the judgment of an individual than the emotions. It tries to explain the product qualities and benefits by giving evidence in the forms of testimonials, guarantees, customer experiences, and so on.

The approach of this copy explains reasons to readers as to why the advertised product has to be purchased. The format of this copy states a fact about a product or a service in the headline and then explaining why the fact is true in its further text. This form of advertising works better in print than on media, because broadcasting an ad has a limitation with respect to time. There are good chances of the viewer missing the headline or the reasons why the headline claims to be the truth.


Institutional Ad Copy

Institutional Copy neither sells nor the products neither the service but the name of the business house. The aim is to build the sound edifice of reputation for the selling house. It seeks to build goodwill through its philosophy, objectives, and policies towards public so that the prospects remember it.

Institutional copy doesn’t sell its goods and services. Institutional ad copy aims at promoting the selling house. It focuses to build a strong reputation for the selling house. The main objective of this type of ad copy is to create, maintain, and increase the goodwill through its philosophy, objectives and policies so that the prospective customers register it in their minds. Institutional copy invites the target customers to the selling outlet. It is also called as prestige or corporate advertising.


Suggestive Copy

Suggestive Copy tries to suggest or pinpoint or convey the message of the advertiser directly or indirectly to the readers. Much is left to the reader to infer the ad message. Like a poem, suggestive language is freely used where the hidden meaning is to be picked by the readers. Such copy can be ‘direct’ or ‘indirect’ suggestive copy. The first tells directly about the products or services of the company while the latter does indirectly.
Suggestive ad copy works best when the reader is confused regarding the quality of the product and is juggling with decision making regarding his purchase.


Expository Copy

Expository Copy is open copy that exposes unlike suggestive copy. It is so open that the facts are given in very simple and clear way so that there is no need for interpretation. The information given is so clear and concise that hardly it taxes the reader’s brain. It makes possible effortless grasp and act.
An Expository copy doesn’t conceal anything about the product but instead exposes the facts that are clear and apt. It describes the product features, uses, merits, operation and benefits of the products or services. Even a swift glance registers quickly in the consumer’s mind and is quite easy to remember or pick up.


Others are:
Scientific Copy — Such types of copies are technical in nature and generally used by drugs and pharmaceutical firms elaborating the propositions of properties and constituents of the product. It provides full information about the product and the producer. This type of copy is usually meant for professional or for those who are really interested in such types of information.


Topical Copy — Herein and attempts is made to appeal to the general public by linking the theme of the copy with some current event but it should not look absurd. It commands a good deal of interest because of that sensational event which lives in the minds of the public.


Colloquial copy or Conversational Copy — The colloquial copy presents the message in the way of conversation. It uses an informal language and conversation takes place in terms of “I” and “You” with personal reference to reader and the advertiser. In such copy the style is one of a personal talk or one of an eyewitness account.


Personality Copy – This copy attempts to encase the opinion of personality — real or imaginary — about the product. Usually the personality is real. The photograph of the personality (a person specialized to concerned field) is given with the text of the copy with a view to convince the readers through the moral influence of his name. Invariably, such copy shows a certificate or a testimonial of such influential person.


Prestige Copy – This pattern is usually for in institutional advertising which aims at creating an atmosphere about the product or the firm and may not directly advise the product for sale. Such a copy is occasionally used and is very much similar to the personality copy in impression which also strives to enhance the prestige of the advertising firm indirectly by visualizing the name of the eminent personality.


Questioning copy — Questioning copy as the term suggests. in Corporate a series of questions expected to be answered by them readers. The advertiser puts no narration, statement or reason of its own in order to pursue the readers to buy the product. The question arouses the curiosity in the minds of the readers and makes them think of it.


What is Advertisement?

An advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the promotion of a product, brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and sales. Advertisements come in many forms, from copy to interactive video, and have evolved to become a crucial feature of the app marketplace.


A successful advertising campaign will spread the word about your products and services, attract customers and generate sales. Whether you are trying to encourage new customers to buy an existing product or launching a new service, there are many options to choose from.


The most suitable advertising option for your business will depend on your target audience and what is the most cost effective way to reach as many of them as possible, as many times as possible. The advertising option chosen should also reflect the right environment for your product or service. For example, if you know that your target market reads a particular magazine, you should advertise in that publication.



Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them.


Types or Forms of Advertisements

Newspaper advertising can promote your business to a wide range of customers. Display advertisements are placed throughout the paper, while classified listings are under subject headings in a specific section.

You may find that a combination of advertising in your state/metropolitan newspaper and your local paper gives you the best results.


Advertising in a specialist magazine can reach your target market quickly and easily. Readers (your potential customers) tend to read magazines at their leisure and keep them for longer, giving your advertisement multiple chances to attract attention. Magazines generally serve consumers (by interest group e.g. women) and trade (industry/business type e.g. hospitality).

If your products need to be displayed in colour then glossy advertisements in a magazine can be ideal – although they are generally more expensive than newspaper advertisements.

Magazines do not usually serve a small area such as a specific town. If your target market is only a small percentage of the circulation, then advertising may not be cost-effective.


Advertising on the radio is a great way to reach your target audience. If your target market listens to a particular station, then regular advertising can attract new customers.

However, sound has its limitations. Listeners can find it difficult to remember what they have heard and sometimes the impact of radio advertising is lost. The best way to overcome this is to repeat your message regularly – which increases your costs significantly. If you cannot afford to play your advertisement regularly, you may find that radio advertising does not generate strong results.


Television has an extensive reach and advertising this way is ideal if you cater to a large market in a large area. Television advertisements have the advantage of sight, sound, movement and colour to persuade a customer to buy from you. They are particularly useful if you need to demonstrate how your product or service works.

Producing a television advertisement and then buying an advertising slot is generally expensive. Advertising is sold in units (e.g. 20, 30, 60 seconds) and costs vary according to:

the time slot
the television program
whether it is metro or regional
if you want to buy spots on multiple networks.


Directories list businesses by name or category (e.g. Yellow Pages phone directories). Customers who refer to directories have often already made up their mind to buy – they just need to decide who to buy from.

The major advantage of online directories over print directories is that if you change your business name, address or phone number, you can easily keep it up to date in the directory. You can also add new services or information about your business.

If your target market uses print and online directories, it may be useful to advertise in both, although print directories are being used less.


Outdoor and transit
There are many ways to advertise outside and on-the-go. Outdoor billboards can be signs by the road or hoardings at sport stadiums. Transit advertising can be posters on buses, taxis and bicycles. Large billboards can get your message across with a big impact. If the same customers pass your billboard every day as they travel to work, you are likely to be the first business they think of when they want to buy a product.

Even the largest of billboards usually contain a limited amount of information; otherwise, they can be difficult to read. Including your website address makes it easy for customers to follow up and find out more about your business. Outdoor advertising can be very expensive especially for prime locations and supersite billboards.


Direct mail, catalogues and leaflets
Direct mail means writing to customers directly. The more precise your mailing list or distribution area, the more of your target market you will reach. A direct mail approach is more personal, as you can select your audience and plan the timing to suit your business. A cost effective form of direct mail is to send your newsletters or flyers electronically to an email database. Find out more about direct mail.

Catalogues, brochures and leaflets can also be distributed to your target area. Including a brochure with your direct mail is a great way to give an interested customer more information about your products and services. Learn more about leaflet marketing using letterbox drops and handouts.


Being on the internet can be a cost-effective way to attract new customers. You can reach a global audience at a low cost. Many customers research businesses online before deciding whom to buy from.

A well-designed website can entice customers to buy from you. There are a number of ways you can promote your business online via paid advertising or to improve your search engine rankings. Learn more about doing business online.

Other ways to advertise your business online include promoting your products or services on social media sites, blogs and search engines and other websites that your target audience visits. Find out more about social media.

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Tags: Ad Copy Advert Copy Advertisement

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