CORONA listed as most searched baby name in 2020 alongside Mila and Zion

'Corona' listed as most searched baby name in 2020 alongside Mila and Zion

CORONA has been listed as the most searched for baby name in 2020 alongside Mila and Zion.


According to a US-based website, The Bump ‘Corona’ was in its top 100 most searched name for girls while the names Reese and Skyla was popular with parents for both sexes.


The Bump revealed that these search by parents may have been impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic.

Corona featured on the list for girls names at 100th place while the number one spot was taken by ‘Mila’.


Aurora and Nova both appeared in the top 10 of most searched girls names showing that astrological names are popular for 2020.


The US-based website also revealed Braxton was the most searched for name for a boy followed by Hunter and then Zion.

Meanwhile the names of Reese and Skyla featured on both the girls and boys list, according to Mirror.


Earlier this year, Luna and Milo were named as the two most popular baby names this year by American website Nameberry.


While Corona has appeared on The Bump’s list because it’s a popular search engine term, Nameberry say it has too many connotations with the killer virus so its ‘popularity’ will plummet.

It also agreed that astrological names have come back with a bang in 2020 – with both Luna and Aurora remaining in the top three.


But it claims Luna, who is the Roman goddess of the moon, could also be popular because John Legend and Chrissy Teigen gave their daughter that name.

'Corona' listed as most searched baby name in 2020 alongside Mila and Zion
‘Corona’ listed as most searched baby name in 2020 alongside Mila and Zion

Below are the top ten most searched names of baby boys and girl for the year 2020.

Top 10 girls names (source The Bump)
1. Mila

2. Aaliyah

3. Aurora

4. Aria

5. Amelia

6. Eliana

7. Nova

8. Kayden

9. Molly

10. Ivy

Top 10 boys name (source The Bump)
1. Braxton

2. Zion

3. Hunter

4. Kai

5. Urban

6. Logan

7. Elliot

8. Liam

9. Lucas

10. River

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