Sex Talk With Auntie Ayo: What Has Sex Got To Do With Your Destiny? Find Out Here

Auntie Ayo: What Has Sex Got To Do With Your Destiny? Find Out Here

Sex and Destiny: Destiny is your soul’s call to greatness. It’s the potential for what you could be, it involves stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risk, while sex in this context is sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man’s erect penis into a woman’s vagina, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen but both have spiritual connotation which goes a long way affecting our outcome in life.


Your destiny and sex is your life.


Who is climbing you?


Many have lost their glory on the verge of sex.


Are you spiritually mindful of who you fuck or who fucks you?


Many are having problems just because of who is climbing them or who they are climbing.


To those who are married, I doubt if there is any remedy because you ought to have prayed or sought-after spiritual counsel before you get married to your partner.


For the continuous climbing, issues of life persist in such case. Some people are not enjoying life as a result of who they marry.


Your marriage is a vital cord which determines so many things. I encourage you to bear the cross until mercy is released.


Good news for the singles; think deeply before you climb. Some people’s destinies are being exchanged in the spiritual realm as a result of the fuck.


If you are spiritually conscious, even before you climb, He will speak by showing you warning signals but unfortunately, the physical most times get a charge out of many rather than the spiritual.


Some people can never meet up again except for divine intervention as a result of who they have sex with.
As sweet as sex is, it may be bitter if care is not taken.


(1) Watch out for the signs. What happens to you when you meet him or her, just mere discussions and thereafter what are the signs but unfortunately many do not count this.


(2) Don’t be carried away by his or her endowment in order for your glory not to be shortchanged.


(3) The mood is also an important aspect. Before and after the fuck, how is your mood?


Thanks for reading from the desk of Kami Empowerment Foundation.

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