Features of The Grand Mosque of Mecca

Features of The Grand Mosque of Mecca

The Grand Mosque of Mecca tops the list of the most expensive buildings on Earth built at a cost of $100 Billion.

Great Mosque of Mecca, Arabic al-Masjid al-Ḥarām, also called Holy Mosque or Haram Mosque, mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, built to enclose the Kaʿbah, the holiest shrine in Islam. As one of the destinations of the hajj and ʿumrah pilgrimages, it receives millions of worshippers each year.

Features of The Grand Mosque of Mecca
Features of The Grand Mosque of Mecca

Size: One million (1,000,000) square meters Capacity:

🕋Can accommodate two (2) million people
🕋Receives twenty (20) million visitors annually
🕋Open twenty -four (24) hours.It has never been completely closed in over 1400 years
🕋Has 1800 cleanersHas 40 electric sanitary cleaning cars
🕋Has 60 electric sanitary machines to clean open courtyards
🕋Has 2000 Sanitary barrels spread throughout the premises
🕋Floor covered with 40000 carpets (longer than the distance between Jeddah and Makkah (79km))


🕋13000 toilets, cleaned four (4) times/6 hours daily
🕋25000 water dispensers (one of the largest water dispensing systems in the world)
🕋100 random samples of drinking water are inspected daily
🕋Excess water from Zamzam Well is stored in storage tanks with a capacity of 1,700,000 (1.7 million), water bottles (capacity 10 liters)

🕋HARAMAIN recitation service: broadcast recitation of the Quran; 24/7; recitation using all ten (10) recognized methods of recitation of the Qur’an; more than 500,000 (half a million) episodes in 180 countries have been aired in three (3) years.
🕋More than 2,000 safety deposit boxes (to keep personal belongings safe)
🕋Hundreds of air conditioning units (for cooling) are scattered inside the Mosque.
🕋The floor of the Mosque reflects light and heat thus improving the regulation of heat in the premises.
🕋Electronic Tour guide application that can show the location of any part of the Mosque.


🕋Detailed and highly efficient audio system:
🕋The sound system in the Grand Mosque is one of the largest and most complex sound systems in the world,
Audio system error margin: 0%
6000 speakers
Four (4) different audio systems
Fifty (50) sound engineering personnel
🕋Copies of the Quran are translated into 65 different languages
🕋Translation of each Friday sermon into five (5) different languages.

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