Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute

Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute

The Ashawo business, best known a Prostitution, has a long history – you have it in the Bible, Quran and many other religious book, so it didn’t start in the year 2000. But whether you agree or not, this business has come to stay.

Prostitution, the practice of engaging in relatively indiscriminate sexual activity, in general with someone who is not a spouse or a friend, in exchange for immediate payment in money or other valuables.

Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute
Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute

Prostitution has been described as “the world’s oldest profession,” and despite consistent attempts at regulation, it continues nearly unchanged.

Record have it that prostitution started in Ancient Near East – “Sumerian records dating back to ca. 2400 BCE are the earliest recorded mention of prostitution as an occupation. These describe a temple-brothel operated by Sumerian priests in the city of Uruk. This kakum or temple was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar and was the home to three grades of women.

“The first grade of women were only permitted to perform sexual rituals in the temple, the second group had access to the grounds and catered to visitors, and the third and lowest class lived on the temple grounds. The third class was also free to find customers in the streets.”

The second and third are what you have around today.

In this article, I will in no way be religious. So I advice, before you start scrolling down, please keep your religion and be open minded.

Now as a Prostitute, irrespective of how you become one (not my business), knowing fully well it is not a proud job, per se, but at the end, if we agree that ‘all work nah work’ then all work must have an end.

In this case, as a prostitute, you can now consider yourself as a business woman,…or man. And as a business person, investment is top priority; afterall, everyone deserves a good retirement.

So, here are things to do with your Money as a Prostitute:

  1. SAVE: You must learn to save. Its understood that you also pay lots of bills and struggle (depending on your level of prostitution) but you must inculcate the habit of saving.

The importance of saving money is simple: It allows you to enjoy greater security in your life. If you have cash set aside for emergencies, you have a fallback should something unexpected happen. And, if you have savings set aside for discretionary expenses, you may be able to take risks or try new things. So even if you don’t have insurance, your saved up money can sort a lot for you.

With savings, you can solve family issues easily and many other unplanned life drama.

2. INVEST: Like savings, it is very important you squeeze out fund and invest in things or humans.

Investment is important to accomplish one’s financial goals and provides buffer for unforeseen expenses that may arise in future. … Investing refers to long-term commitment, as opposed to trading or speculating, which are short-term and, therefore, amount to higher risk. Intelligent investing is the key to build wealth.

A good investment is like magic, and truth is, its the best MMM ever; your money just keep doubling.

Because money is not easy to come by or even keep, it is important you always have ‘garri soaked inside water (material or human)’. The swell is the koko.

Now aside the over professional examples, you can invest by opening a “shop” and putting a competent person there; sell slippers, tomatoes, bread, clothes, shoes, bags, make-up accessories, et al., during the day or when you are less busy.

Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute
Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute

3. EDUCATION: See eh! School is not when you go to Primary, JSS, SS and University. Bluntly, no be every body wey go there get sense or come out well’. Schooling is going to pick something you don’t have or improve something you already have. Away from better explanation. Education is important because it makes you stand out even as an asewo. For me, education is going to improve or gain your brain skills or handywork. I tell you if you don’t achieve any of this, you failed.

So as a prostitute, use that money to, if you don’t already have one, apply for formal education or vocational education. My dear, there is nothing having something upstairs, no be only waist and chest dey do am because both ‘angles’ still need your head

Summarily, with education, I don’t need to explain No. 1 and 2 to you before you take action.

3: SPEND: This one is a natural for you people already. But most times its from others or clients. Once in a while, spend on you. Spoil you. Take yourself out. Chill out with yourself. Enjoy your money outside clubs, people, just enjoy that serenity alone.

4. GIVE TO CHARITY: Well, you have a choice for this one. But no let stinginess make you forget say people dey there wey hunger wan kill. Its out basic obligation as humans to help others in need, wisely.

Check for charity organizations around you or groups organizing such; and send funds to them. I wouldn’t advice you go yourself due to the …attach to prostitution as a profession, when they find out…just saying though.

As an ashawo, codedly, you need to enjoy giving. Remember say man no be GOD, so I can bet you the grace attached to giving will definitely play for you.

5. PAY TAXES: “Because taxes are the life source of a nation, we should be patriotic to this life source in order to keeps the nation functioning. That said, tax is essential to help the government give us protection, build better roads and bridges, institutions and provide social infrastructures.”

Depending on your country; government protection extends to you as a prostitute, so pay tax is a good obligation.

6. PAY TITHE: All about giving to Caesar what belongs to him. If you are a ‘Christian Prostitute’ (don’t quote me wrong by saying Christianity supports prostitution). Tithing is an act of faith that helps us keep our priorities straight.

They say one of the main purposes of tithing is to support the needs of pastors and the work of the local church, but in this case, tithing is another way to solve “No. 4.” Yes! The church is always giving out funds to charity organizations and those in diaspora, so they can be considered the fastest and most peaceful way to give.

Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute
Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute

Point is, you can do exactly what every other legit (depending on your country) business person does with his or her money. Its all about being a better person outside the job.


Things you should avoid as Prostitute

Briefly, here are things you shouldn’t do as a Prostitute.

  1. Don’t be Greedy: This has led to the death of many – dumped in the sea, killed in the bush, used for ritual, raped with no pay, et al.

Open your eyes and think well before you embark, don’t let greed shorten your life or make you loose opportunities.

2. Believe in Something (GOD): You cant be like ‘nylon on the express way’, you need to believe in something. Something you can rely on in faith. I am saying it this way because prostitution in every religion or beliefs.

3. Young Forever thought: Remember you will get old someday. So use your young time well by looking at the instructions above again. Remember your job is like tomatoe, always fresh for consumption….

4. Be open minded but talk less and reasonable: Have reasonable conversations. Talk to moving people, you are human too. Plan for better living (its not my job to tell you to quit – I still stand by all work nah work). Make sure your next generation do better.

 What to do with your Money as a Prostitute
Ashawo Business: What to do with your Money as a Prostitute

Ok! Make I stop here….

P.S: This content can also be utilized by non-prostitutes


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